AppSealing, Participating in “Seminar on Korean ICT Company Support Business and Mobile Game Service” to be held on 26th.
May 22nd, 2015, Seoul, Korea – INKA Entworks (CEO Sung-min Ahn), a company specialized in digital contents security, will participate in the “Seminar on Korean ICT Company Support Business and Mobile Game Service”, which will be held at 2 PM on 26th (Tuesday) in the main event hall of Google’s Seoul Campus, and give a speech on the “importance of mobile game security in China”.
“Seminar on Korean ICT Company Support Business and Mobile Game Service”, which is hosted by a Chinese mobile game publisher named Netmego/RingTiger, has been prepared to introduce and coordinate detailed plans to support the expansion of Korean ICT companies and individual developers into China, an opportunity to provide their services directly to the country’s market.
During this seminar, a variety of topics will be discussed and shared including, but not limited to, understanding and misunderstanding of founding a company in China, introduction of Lishui city government’s support policies, differences between the advantages of establishing a branch in Lishui region and a typical expansion into China, detailed guidelines regarding Chinese mobile game business, ways to form a network in China to receive sufficient funding, organization of visitors to Lishui entrepreneurship support complex in 2015, and introduction of mobile game publishing process and sharing of business performances for an alliance with RingTiger.
At the seminar, AppSealing, a mobile game application security service from INKA Entworks ( aims to emphasize the importance of security for successful expansion into the Chinese mobile games market by presenting the current status of mobile games in China that lack sufficient security and were often subject to hacking. Also, necessary information and strategies to combat against potential hacks tailored to the Chinese mobile games market will be provided.
To offer a strengthened security service specialized for mobile game apps, AppSealing ( was launched in 2014 by INKA Entworks, an expert in digital contents security that possess not only technological competitiveness globally but also a long history of service experiences in the digital content copyrights protection industry.
“AppSealing” service is currently available in Korea and China and, recently, mobile games that have applied the “AppSealing” security service have been released onto “China Mobile Market” and “China Unicom Market”, two of the most popular mobile games markets in China, through “Unity Games China”. As a security service once developed to be able to be applied around the world beyond just the domestic market, “AppSealing” displays its strong technological competence in successfully protecting precious cultural contents generated from the enormous global mobile games industry.